Monday, February 5, 2007

I just finished it...

I had heard about this book, and I kept putting off buying it. But I went to Books-A-Million and I had to get it. I think it took me a week to read, it would have taken less but with everything going on...Its been awhile since a book made me cry and made me feel good after I read it. The whole plot of this book is, before you go you heaven, you meet five people. Five people from your life...could be a stranger, someone you loved, someone who was around before you were born...well these five people have lessons for you, not lessons per say, but explinations. I know people wonder why they were put here on Earth, why they lived when someone else died, and these five people give your life meaning. The meaning you've been looking for. Its an awesome thought. That you get your questions answered and when you meet your five people you go to your heaven. Where you were the happiest, where you wait for someone who's life you touched and you help them to their heaven. " share his part of the secret of heaven: that each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one." That is the final line of the book, it is nice to think think that all of our lives are intertwined and we will help each other when it matters most. I loved this book, I wish I could buy a copy for everyone to read. On the back of the book Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club said: "This is a fable you will devour when you fall in love. This is a tale you will keep by your side when you are lost. This is a story you will turn to again and again, because it posseses the rare magi to let you see yourself and the world anew. This book is a gift to the soul." and that sums it up.

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